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Various countries flags flying on flagpoles outside the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) building in Hobart

Antarctic Tasmania

International engagement

Antarctic Tasmania engages with relevant nations under the Antarctic Treaty, attends regular international meetings involving the Antarctic community to develop and maintain key stakeholder relationships with Antarctic nations who operate through Tasmania, collaborates with fellow Gateway Cities and ensures Tasmania continues to meet and exceed the Antarctic community’s needs.

Antarctic Tasmania hosts meetings with visiting diplomatic staff from Antarctic Nations, to explore potential areas of international collaboration between those nations and our Tasmanian partners in the Antarctic sector.

Some National Antarctic Programs (NAP) regularly use Hobart as a logistics and resupply hub during the Antarctic summer. Antarctic Tasmania and members of the Tasmanian Polar Network engage with the NAPs who use Hobart ports for resupply and provide them with advice and assistance.

The French Antarctic Program has operated its summer program out of Hobart since 1948 and co-operates closely with the local Antarctic partners.

Other NAPs who access Hobart for Antarctic logistics include Korea, China, Italy and the United States.

Antarctic Tasmania supports the secretariats of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and the Agreement for the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), which reside in Tasmania.